Eckles Art

Artist Portfolio of Stephanie Eckles

Learn to Watercolor

The movement of pigment into water is such a satisfying simple pleasure. Whether you already consider yourself an artist or are looking for a new creative hobby, this handbook is for you!

You’ll learn the essentials of working with watercolor, from the necessary supplies to setting up your workspace and mixing colors. Then, you’ll be guided through beginner exercises to learn watercolor techniques.

At any time, you can skip ahead to the “Mindfulness Exercises” section and simply enjoy painting with watercolor using the provided prompts. These easily fit into your day, even if you only have 10 minutes!

This guide is available on Blurb as a 5x8” softcover and has 74 pages with full-color, follow-along examples.

About the Artist:Stephanie Eckles

Stephanie Eckles is a software engineer by day, and a hobby watercolor artist by… any time she can be! She’s an established author and conference speaker in her career industry, but began a TikTok (@ecklesart) about her watercolors at the encouragement of her youngest daughter. She is currently working on building inventory for future market opportunities and selling prints and stationary.